Join The Brown Girls Brunch Initiative
Become A Partner
There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish.


Join the Movement

Become a part of our initiative to build secure environments for brown girls to thrive.


Share The Spotlight

As a partner, we make it our mission to help you tell your story and gain exposure.


Transforming the Landscape

Build With Us

Our partners represent much more than sponsorships – you strengthen our foundation and further enable us to transform Brown Girls Brunch into a greater force of change. By integrating your business or organization with our message, you expand both our reach and your own, and create opportunities for our women to gain significant advantages.

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Elevating Your Profile

Leverage Our Platform

Promotion is one of the central benefits of a collaboration with our platform. Brown Girls Brunch is available for purpose-driven experiences designed to push women toward success in various areas including business, politics, and community leadership. Each partnership empowers Brown Girls to share, discuss and learn from one another globally.

Event Info

Communicating Your Goals

Establish Your Position

Brown Girls Brunch is a series spearheaded by determined leadership from different industries. As a partner, you will be exposed to opportunities to solidify your role as a community leader. A partnership with us will help you progress a positive, transformation-based narrative for Brown Girls everywhere, in addition to your own message.

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Current Partners
Partnership Benefits

We view partnerships not as sponsorships, but as collaborations intended to advance both our goals and yours. To achieve this, we invest greatly in ways to incorporate you into our infrastructure.

Partnership Benefits
Expand Your Audience

As a business, establishing avenues for new clients is a valued concern. The entrepreneurs we host are seeking services that will push them forward.

Partnership Benefits
Share Our Network

Brown Girls Brunch serves primarily as a social event that helps business owners meet sponsors and partners, and that extends to our own partners as well.

Partnership Benefits
Host An Event

Through us, our partners are encouraged to launch Brown Girls Brunch events in their own communities with new guests entrepreneurial coaching focus.

Brown Girls Brunch Partners
All efforts to expand entrepreneurial efforts begin with meaningful partnerships.

This event is a great environment to socialize with entrepreneurs seeking to expand their potential by forming partnerships with reliable service providers. All businesses are much better served with a community-based approach to building these relationships.

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Brown Girls Brunch Partners
Start your journey to give back by identifying a place to integrate your message.

As a dedicated, principled demographic, brown girls as a community experience no shortage of outreach objectives. Whether you are in search of support for your cause or want to contribute a developing initiative, we have created an environment to point you in the right direction.

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Brown Girls Brunch Partners
Introduce opportunities to increase representation for brown girls in business.

If you are in search of goal-oriented women to strengthen your company, Brown Girls Brunch has curated an audience that serves your purposes. Among our attendees will be a wealth of young women getting started in their industries of choice, open to new opportunities.

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Brown Girls Brunch Partners
Support our efforts to even the landscape, starting with actionable data.

The more that well-intentioned companies know about our community, the better efforts can be made to reinforce the position of brown girls in business. Progress on these efforts starts with a genuine desire to understand the challenges we face and ways to improve the landscape.

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Don’t wait for opportunity. Create it.

Interested In Attending A Brown Girls Brunch In Your City?